Mandant’s Coupa ERP Accelerator – providing short and long term cost benefits


Delivering new systems and functionality requires significant investment. The upfront capital expenditure can seem eye-watering enough. Unexpected costs that surface as the programme rolls out can mean that contingency budgets are blown early. This could leave project accountants floundering as the costs spiral out of control.  Planned spend usually covers the cost of the new software, infrastructure, training, change management and delivery. But costs can escalate for a whole range of reasons. The scope may change and creep and analysts may find unexpected anomalies in the current landscape. The team could be left short on the required skills at the right time.   Good programme management will help to prevent unexpected budget overruns. Managers can keep expenditure down by focusing on replanning based on emerging issues. However, there may be expensive costs built in if basic risks are not addressed.

Mandant’s Coupa ERP Accelerator – providing short and long term cost benefits2024-05-28T09:50:31+01:00

Evolution of data integration – effective data control keeps your organisation at the top of your game


In the fast-paced world of IT and Procurement, efficient data control is a critical factor if you want to maintain a competitive business edge. The evolution of integration has transformed the way organisations manage their dataflow, enabling smoother operations and informed decision-making. Integration, or the management of data in motion, used to be easy. If you had two systems holding different types or formats of related data you might have found you needed to send data or replicate from one system to the other. To do so, you simply built a point-to-point interface, from one system to the other, to transfer exactly the data required in a suitable format. This was fine and often got the job done pretty quickly. Unfortunately, organisations found themselves building almost the same data feed between the source system and different target systems. Subsets of the data would flow along separate interfaces as part of an ETL (extract, transform and load) process feeding different systems. The result – spaghetti.

Evolution of data integration – effective data control keeps your organisation at the top of your game2024-05-27T11:26:59+01:00

Implications of AI for Systems Integration


A judge in the US recently threw out a lawsuit and fined the plaintiff’s lawyers $5,000 when they admitted to using ChatGPT to research supporting case law. The AI tool had simply made up all the cases based on information it had trawled from the internet. It seems it was unable to understand the difference between real and fake and gave the users what it thought they wanted.  The AI tool had access to all the case data published on the web and was able to invent cases based on real judgements. The data was based on true life but if fake cases can be so easily created, how much will we be able to trust the results in the future? The imaginary cases will remain on the internet waiting for the next AI research tool to find them and use them to bolster a spurious legal argument.

Implications of AI for Systems Integration2024-05-28T09:52:22+01:00
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